knit knit knit knit knit

10 Dec

I started making christmas presents tonight. It feels good to make again.


5 Dec

Some of you know some of you don’t, I have a thing for churches and sacred spaces. In the near future I will be moving home for better job prospects, and to zen my soul for a bit. It dawned on me today; I have never checked out the churches in kcmo that have spiked my interest. This is my mission for my remaining time here to view these churches, take reverence in them and to document them as future resources. Ill post my findings here.

Top Churches to see

  1. The big catholic church on Broadway, I think its name is Our Lady of Benevolent Sorrows or something
  2. The gigantic Mormon temple out in Independence, I probably have no chance at seeing the sanctuary but Im going to try like hell to see that nautilus ceiling
  3. Community Christian on the Plaza- I grew up going to this church, It was originally designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
  4. McMurry Methodist another church I grew up going too it is fantastically 70’s through and through

There will probably be more but four is a good number to start with

Once I get back to Maryland I will document the sacred places there too starting with the church I grew up in, the Basilica in Baltimore and Christ’s Church in Annapolis.

Homeward Bound

5 Dec

Anxiety is killing me, insomnia is not helping, job search demoralizing I’m throwing in the towel.

I decided Wednesday after a panic attack: I’m moving home.  I can’t take the midwest anymore. I’m home sick. I’ve been home sick since my grandma died. It was hard being out here by myself when that happened and not having people around me to support me through it was even harder. I miss home. KC has never been my home, I’ve never felt comfortable or a connection here. I miss the buzz of the big cities, the sounds of the light rail whooshing past, the look of the sun setting on the bay. I miss my best friends, my Maryland grandparents, the beach and beach fries.

I feel bad in leaving, I hate that I will be leaving my dad and my grandma. It was nice to live with them for a bit and to see them on a daily basis . I will miss them dearly, especially getting to go places with my dad and the going to the movies with him. I’ve treasured spending my time with him and I know it pains him that I’m leaving to go back home. It’s been nice to let our relationship heal.

Moving home will hopefully be a good move. It’s not permanent it’s just a resting area where I will regroup, strategize and make my next move to either grad school or a decent job someplace else. As much as I like Baltimore, I’ve always known I won’t stay there forever.

Happy Halloween!

1 Nov

I finally put those creative juices to good use and carved pumpkins for halloween. I think they turned out well 🙂

I forgot how bad pumpkin guts smell, and that the bigger the pumpkin the thicker the shell...ooops

All four pumpkins (l-r) Hello Kitty Pumpkin, Where the Wild Things Are Pumpkin, Spock Pumpkin and Snoopy Pumpkin

Hello Kitty Pumpkin. This one I etched the image onto the pumpkin using a lino cutter.


I let my inner geek out and carved the live long and prosper hand. Yes I am that big of a dork. If I had, had one more pumpkin I probably would have carved Yoda's head into it.

I carved this for my grandma for her churches harvest party and forgot to get a decent picture of it before it went all ookie

Getting that Itch

16 Oct

I’m getting that itch again.

That itch to make.

It feels good.

It’s been along time since I have had the want to make.

What do I want to make?